5 Ways To Reconnect With You (When You’ve Lost Yourself As A Mum) 

re-connect with you

Feeling a little lost after becoming a mum?  Here are some ways to help you re-connect with who you are.

Life as a modern day mum can be chaotic.  There are so many things for us to do – drops offs, pick ups, cooking, cleaning, working, shopping, juggling school holidays, trying to find some semblance of a social life! 

Our lives have never been more stressful, busier or pressurised.  With all of this going on, it can be so hard to find time for ourselves, to re-connect with who we are and how we’re feeling.  But this is so vital as it helps us to get some balance in our lives and to feel happy with who we are. 

Without coming back to ourselves and getting stuck on the ‘give, give, give’ train, we’re even more likely to feel that pressure, stress and overwhelm. We’re more likely to snap at the kids, our family and curse the woman holding up the queue under our breath (or maybe that’s just me).

We’re also going to find ourselves reacting to life all the time, instead of responding.

So, what does re-connecting back to you entail?  We often think of candlelit baths, spa weekends or walking in woods.  Whilst these things are all lovely, re-connecting back to yourself means checking in on how you’re doing, how you’re feeling, what’s going on for you right now.

It’s all about bringing yourself back to centre.

I’m a well-being coach, yet when motherhood came along it threw me massively off course.  Throughout my motherhood journey, I’ve been learning how to stay connected to me and in turn be a present, calm mum.

Here are 5 things that I’ve found that really help me and my clients to re-connect to ourselves again.

Stop And Drop

I don’t know about you, but I often get stuck in my head.  Thoughts whizzing around, darting from one topic to another.  Or I’ll fixate on one issue and turn it round and round in my mind and get stuck in ‘analysis paralysis’.

The problem with this type of thinking it that’s it’s unproductive and actually blocks us from opening up to the creative solutions we often so badly want.

So what can we do?

I practice the ‘stop and drop’.

When I notice I’ve lost myself in crazy thinking, I stop what I’m doing and drop into my body.

  • How do I feel right now?
  • Where am I holding tension?
  • Is my jaw clenched?
  • Are my shoulders high?

Dropping out of your head and into your body will help to calm your mind and bring you back to the moment.

Put Your Phone Down

Having the world in our pocket has undoubtedly changed our lives, and I think for the better. But something I’ve noticed in my own life is how easy it is to use the phone to disconnect from myself.

When an uncomfortable feeling comes up, I often find myself mindlessly reaching for my phone (and inevitably onto the Instagram app) to distract myself, to numb the feeling.

The issue with doing this habitually is that our feelings need to be processed.  They are often telling us something and if we don’t face them head-on, they can come out sideways. So snapping at your husband over dinner might be that feeling you repressed after something triggered you in the playground this morning.

This is obviously a huge topic, but I’d love you just to become aware of it. Tune into your feelings and use your journalling gently to explore them.

And remember that what causes the most pain in our lives is trying to avoid uncomfortable feelings, not the feelings themselves.

Write A Letter To You On Your 90th Birthday

As busy mums it’s easy for the days, the years and even the decades to fly by in a blur of activity.  We get stuck on the roundabout of busy modern life and schools runs.  We don’t ask ourselves what we really want or dream of doing.

One of the first exercises I ask clients to complete is to write a letter to their 90-year-old self.

  • What have you done in life?
  • Have you found peace of mind?
  • What have you learned?
  • How have you grown?
  • Have you risked truly being you?
  • Have you done everything you dreamed of?

This is a really simple, powerful way of reconnecting back to you and your dreams. Remember to tune into what you really want, not what you think you should want. 


Writing is one of the most powerful and simple tools we have as mums to connect back and get some perspective.

When I teach journaling, I often face a lot of resistance.  Time, the concern of it being read, not knowing what to write.  My response is always the same, just start for 5 minutes a day and see what happens. Often my clients can’t believe the difference it makes.

It only takes 5 minutes a day and you can do this with pen and paper (which is preferable) or on your phone.

Here are 5 questions you can ask yourself to get started

  • How am I feeling right now?
  • What am I worried about?
  • What’s on my mind?
  • What would I like more of in my life?
  • What am I grateful for?  

Just Breathe

I know it sounds like one of those cheesy Insta quotes, but I promise you it works. I think we all intuitively know this, which why we’ll often tell someone distressed to ‘take a few deep breaths’.

When we’re stressed and rushing our breath becomes shorter and shallower.  We breathe out of our chest.  This causes tension in our body.  It can trigger the fight/flight/freeze response, causing further stress and so the cycle goes on.

So as you’re going about your day, stop and focus on two deep breaths. In through the nose and right down into the belly and out again.

Deep breathing not only calms us down it also brings awareness to the moment.  This helps us to notice that life is a thread of moments, woven together that come and go exactly as they were meant to. 


Zoe Blaskey is the founder of Motherkind.  She hosts events, workshops and talks all aimed at helping mums reconnect to themselves in the madness of modern mum life. Zoe offers 121 coaching, teaches meditation and is the host of the popular ‘The Motherkind Podcast’.

Please follow Zoe on Instagram @motherkind.co or drop Zoe an email zoe@motherkind.co if you want to discuss any of the ideas in this article further.

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Lou - Woman Ready


I'm Lou, founder of Woman Ready. Do you feel good-enough? Putting yourself way down your priority list? I set up Woman Ready to help inspire, support and empower us to be the women we want to be but to also talk about the issues we face as women today. Join us for hacks and advice on work, career, emotional well-being, body and health.

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