According to an article in The New York Times, ‘becoming a mother is an identity shift, and one of the most significant physical and psychological changes a woman will ever experience’. The Guardian newspaper comments how ‘people who go from being non-parents to parents undergo a seismic identity shift’.
That’s good to know and I too realised that nothing quite prepares you for motherhood. So, how do you go about finding yourself again?
Below is my post from Clemmie Telford’s blog, Mother Of All Lists:
Who Am I?
- I just didn’t feel like me anymore. I’m not quite sure when it happened exactly but I had begun to have these overwhelming moments of wondering who I was and what I was doing. Sometimes it would stop me dead in my tracks and I would feel at a loss as to where the old-me (the strong, capable, could-deal-with-anything-me) had gone.
- Yep I had become a mum and had walked into motherhood naively and maybe with a tad of arrogance, thinking ‘what’s the fuss about?! It can’t be this hard!’ I had been in corporate life for 15 years, surely having a baby and caring for him/her would be a walk in the park?
- It all hit me. The joy of a new born, the pain of bereavement (my mum passed away when I was 7 months preggers), the feelings of being totally inadequate as a new mum. A few months after my son was born, I remember walking around the town I lived in, pushing the pram and blubbing my eyes out. Some days I felt in total control and other days totally out of my depth. I missed my mum massively. We had moved out of London to be near her and I had no-one to tell me, ‘it’s ok to feel like this, things will get better, you’re a good mum’.
It Wasn’t What I Thought It Would Be
- Motherhood just wasn’t what I thought it would be; it was hard. I think the problem was that I had so many expectations going into motherhood. I had expected the pregnancy to be easy, but I had been floored with sickness in the first trimester. I didn’t bloom at all! I also thought I would be an amazing mum and that I would instinctively know what to do. But that didn’t happen either. Maybe I just needed to have had a little more faith in my abilities? But it was all new and a little bit of a shock to the system!
- And let’s not go into how the utter lack of sleep makes you feel.
The Loss Of My Work Confidence
- I found going back to work really tough even though I had only taken off 6 months mat leave. There was a massive dip in my confidence. Some of the stuff I used to take in my stride just seemed more daunting and scary than before. I just remember feeling that I was really sh*t at my job. There had also been some changes at work, some not that positive for me, and these had affected how I felt too. And that’s a tough situation to go back into, for anyone, let alone a new mum. It was disorientating. I didn’t feel that I was as valued as I had been, and I felt that people treated me slightly differently. Looking back, I’m not sure if that was true or whether it was me just wrangling with how I was feeling internally.
- I read a lot about imposter syndrome and I was well and truly feeling it.
Work Identity Versus The New-Me
- As someone who had worked for years, my identity was so heavily intertwined into my work-identity. After becoming a new mum and having time off work, I wasn’t really sure who this new-me was anymore. And, if I’m honest, I’m not sure that I liked her that much. When I read that now, I’m annoyed for being so harsh on myself.
- With work too, I found it easy to recognise when I was doing well. I had monthly/yearly deliverables to achieve. I knew when I had hit my targets. People would give positive feedback. I might get a little bonus, a pay increase. As a mum, I didn’t really get any feedback at all. Actually, the only feedback I did get was from all the crap that was going on in my head and that wasn’t particularly positive.
Say Good-Bye To The Old-Me
- Over time and with hindsight, I realised that I would probably never get the old-me back but that wasn’t such a bad thing. I did sort of miss her, but I had changed quite a lot. And quite frankly, it was time to get to grips with the new-me and to stop giving myself such a bashing (in my head!)
- We give ourselves a hard time, don’t we? Whether we’re mums or not, we put so much pressure and expectations on ourselves. I found that I wanted to be perfect. I wanted to be great at my job, be an amazing mum, to look fab and to effortlessly juggle everything. The joke was on me, right?!
Setting Your Expectations Too High
- For me, being a mum and trying to juggle work, kids, aging in-laws etc, has been tough. I’ve struggled with it all. I realise now that I set my expectations too high and didn’t take how I would feel into the equation. I wasn’t remotely gentle on myself; something I regret now.
- We forget about ourselves and often put ourselves way down the priority list, don’t we? IMHO, it’s time to get a little bit of ourselves back.
Embracing The New-Me
- I decided a while ago that I would try to be a bit kinder to myself. Yep I had changed but of course I had! I wasn’t the old-me anymore, but I was the new-me and I wanted to embrace her more (rather than pandering to the past).
- 12 years into being a mum, I realise that it is all a learning curve and we do the best we can. Don’t get me wrong, there are still days when I think I’ve cracked it but other days when I still feel inadequate and go to bed vowing to stop shouting, be more patient, be a better mum. But I try to be less harsh on myself and gently remind myself that we haven’t hit the teenage years as yet!
Time For Me
- I’ve started to invest in me a little more too by building some time in my week for me – to do some of the stuff that I like to do. It took a while to actually figure out what I liked to do or to remember it, I suppose. But it has made a big difference to how I feel. It was like reclaiming me back a bit. And I’ve started a new business that I’m very excited about (just to add to the chaos!)
Stopping The Inner Bitch Voice
- I was a bit fed up with all the questioning going on in my head and all the sh*t I was feeding my mind. Am I good enough? Is my body lean-enough? Have I been a crap mum today? Blah blah. In another post I wrote, I called it my Inner Bitch Voice and she can be a hard one to please! I told myself to be gentler and I’m calming this voice in my head down as quite frankly, she is not my best advocate. I am doing my best and that’s what matters. It might not be up to my previous expectations or standards, but those can take a running jump! I value my mind more these days.
Accepting Your Mum-Body
- My body is amazing – stay with me here before you think, what the hell is she going on about or that she has got a big ego! I refuse to feel rubbish about my cellulite, my saggy boobs, my thread veins etc. My body has changed big time since kids plus I’m getting older. However, I have built 2 little people – how bloody amazing is that!
You Are Still Capable & Hugely Experienced
- And as for work-work*, I’m not doing the same job I used too and sometimes that is tough. Sometimes I want to shout, ‘I used to look after $m’s of business’. However, I keep reminding myself that I am still the capable, experienced person I used to be. No-one can take all that away from me, ever. I now have other strings to my bow that I wouldn’t have had without having children. My work-identity has definitely changed but I’m seeing that as a positive thing now. * I’m calling it ‘work-work’ as I often find my ‘mum-work’ harder than work-work and wanted to acknowledge that!
- I mentioned above that I’ve set up a new business. It’s something that I am really passionate about. And this has helped me hugely with finding me again. I think maybe it’s because it’s something for me – if that makes sense?
Knowing Who I Am Again
- I’ve learnt that identity is a funny thing. I’ve realised it can quite easily be shaken and it also can affect anyone, of any age and of either gender.
- I have spent a lot of time looking for the old-me which was maybe a mistake. It ate away at my mental well-being. I now feel like I know who I am again. Yay! It has taken time, tears and some soul-searching – but I quite like the new-me.
If this resonates with you, why not read our tips on helping you to re-connect with yourself again.
Hi there! Nice blog! Motherhood is one of those transforming experiences. I agree with this “women face physical and psychological changes in their body after motherhood”. Accepting all the changes is good! Keep posting!![My Profile](
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