The Law Of Attraction – More Myth Than Mystery?

law of attraction

The Law of Attraction has become part of our everyday vernacular yet many people who first enthusiastically explored the concept quickly became disillusioned and disheartened when trying to apply it in their day to day lives. So what is the secret..? Can you really think your way into creating the life of your dreams?

Simply put, it helps to be clear on your goals, however, the fundamentals of the Law of Attraction go deeper than simply thinking about and visualizing your desires in the hope of manifesting them into your life. They point to the importance of living consciously and creating a deeper connection between your sense of self, how you live your life and the universal intelligence from which everything is derived.

The What And The Why

If understood and applied correctly, the first step towards manifesting your desires requires you to dig deeper; beyond the ‘what’ to fully exploring the ‘why’.  What is it that you feel is missing from your life and holding you back from creating the life you dream of.

It is a fact that we all carry baggage from our past that affects not only the life we live now but the life we create for ourselves into the future. What you may not realise is the extent to which our experiences and social conditioning before the age of 7 shapes the subconscious beliefs we hold about ourselves and the opportunity presented by the world around us.

Dreams Vs Fears

What we all need above all else is love, security and a sense of belonging and while we all have unlimited potential, many people are not living their dreams, they are living their fears.

To truly live from a place of power you must first recognise and reset any limiting beliefs you hold consciously or unconsciously. We are as individuals the most important source and provider of the love, security and belonging that we need and when we really connect with this fact, develop self-acceptance and self-love, a sense of empowerment arises naturally through our hearts and enables us to create and attract the life we most desire.

The Hero’s Academy technique to success life coaching has 5 simple steps you can begin to follow which will help you recognise your full potential and begin to create a life of happiness, meaning and fulfilment.

Watch Your Thoughts

Consciously observe your thoughts as you go about your day. Notice any patterns that arise. How often are you thinking of the past, or things that may happen in the future? How often are you present in the moment? Closely monitor how different thoughts make you feel.

Take Control Of How You Feel

Our bodies are living organisms pulsing with life energy which emit vibrations into the space around us. Our thoughts affect how we feel which in turn gives rise to emotions that affect the frequency of our vibration.

Our frequency subconsciously affects how we are perceived by others and therefore we attract interactions and experiences of a similar high or low frequency. Begin testing your control over what you choose to think about at any given moment. Monitor how you feel as a result. Raising your vibrations opens us up to the opportunities that are around us all the time.

Meditate Daily

This will teach you how to quieten your mind and reconnect with your consciousness, the life energy within you beyond the thinking mind. Whether 5 or 25 minutes, practicing daily is what’s most important to begin living from a calmer place, where stress and anxiety will be reduced. Meditation will also help you tap into the fertile creative space within you, where incredible ideas and possibilities arise.

Create Your Vision

As you begin to live more consciously, life will take on a more profound quality, ideas will begin to blossom that you will be less fearful of exploring.

Take Action

A dream without action is worse than no dream. Maintaining a clear focus, and a healthy obsession on your vision needs to be accompanied with by actions that put the fundamental building blocks for success in place. Take action with life and the universe will meet you half way.


Mark Collin is the founder of The Hero’s Academy success life coaching practice in London. Through his clinic he helps people tap into the full potential of their existence, learn to love who they are and live a life of happiness, meaning and fulfilment.

The unique Hero’s Academy technique draws on disciplines including Psych K (psychological kinesiology – belief change), NLP (Neuro-linguistic programming), energy healing, meditative practice and mindfulness. His clients span the world, from Dubai to Los Angeles, and include actors, authors, stay at home parents and senior level professional executives.

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Lou - Woman Ready


I'm Lou, founder of Woman Ready. Do you feel good-enough? Putting yourself way down your priority list? I set up Woman Ready to help inspire, support and empower us to be the women we want to be but to also talk about the issues we face as women today. Join us for hacks and advice on work, career, emotional well-being, body and health.

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