12 Secrets To Stepping Out Of Your Comfort Zone

If you’re looking for a little motivation on how to step out of your comfort zone, here are some tips from other women on how to do it.

Secrets to stepping out of your comfort zone‘Take small steps to start with – it’s less daunting – and you’re less likely to set yourself up for failure!’

You can of course go hell for leather and sign yourself up for a marathon but maybe set your sights a little lower and sign up for a 5km run first.

If you want to ask a guy out, maybe say hi to him as a first step rather than asking him to go for a 3 course dinner with you.

‘Break things into manageable chunks as it’s much easier to deal with and less overwhelming’

This applies to so many things in life.  Sometimes the enormity of change can feel overwhelming and often it’s easier to tackle if you break it up into more manageable pieces.  Treat each as a separate chunk.

‘I think it’s useful to analyse your fear as you become a bit more rational about it. If the prospect of doing something is scary, try to figure out why’

If you have always wanted to start your own business but you’re scared of doing it, analyse why.  Is it because you are unsure of where to start?  Is it because you’re nervous of the competition?  Educate yourself, talk to people.  It all helps to diminish the fear.

‘Don’t project fear into the future’

My counsellor friend, Liz, told me this.  Often, we can let fear get the better of us.  How many of us are guilty of this one?  We can project fear into the future by creating stories in our heads of what could go wrong rather than what could go right.  Stop scaring yourself.

‘Drop perfectionism as it holds you back’

This is one of my traits and it’s a bit of a confidence killer.  To step out of your comfort zone you need to put your desire for perfection aside and drop the high standards that you set yourself.  Sometimes bronze standard rather than gold is all that is needed. 

‘Don’t procrastinate’

Realise that ‘I’ll do it tomorrow’ is really us giving ourselves an opt-out pass.  Try to recognise when you are procrastinating and JFDI (Just F**king Do It) instead.

‘We need to celebrate our achievements no matter how small they are’

When you accomplish something, and step out of your comfort zone, give yourself a pat on the back.  Sometimes it’s just nice to sit there and think ‘you know what, I did that and it feels good.

‘Say Yes more (or at least I’ll think about it)’

When you’re stuck in the comfort of your comfort zone, it’s often easier to say no rather than yes.

I decided that I needed to be more open and more willing to try new things and that I should start to say yes more than no.  So now when someone asks me to do something, I try to not let my initial reaction be a no.  I try to let it be a gently nod and a yes or at least an I’ll think about it.  😊 (but don’t put yourself or others in danger though.)

And remember, if you don’t like it, you don’t have to do it again.

‘Give yourself a positive pep-talk’

Sometimes when we feel unconfident, there can be a lot of negative chatter going on in our heads.  Recognise the negative self-talk and try to turn it into positive self-talk.  ‘I can’t do this’ turns into ‘there is no reason why I can’t do this’ or ‘it’s bound to go wrong’ turns into ‘I’m fully prepared and there is no reason for things to go wrong.’

‘Remember it’s uncomfortable stepping out of your comfort zone – but those feelings are short-lived’

Yes, there is the initial fear and discomfort but when these feelings pass, and they do quickly, there’s the realisation that you can actually do it.    

‘Set yourself a challenge’

Get used to going out of your comfort zone.  Set yourself a challenge and stick to it.  It doesn’t have to be an ‘I’ll climb Mount Everest’ challenge but something simple that you know will push you a little.  Go to the women’s business lunch that you’ve been avoiding going to.

‘Remember it’s never as bad as what you think’

I love this one.  How many times in your life have you worked yourself up into a frenzy about something only for it to work out ok?  Loads, right?

Try to put things into a little more perspective, stop worrying as much and relax and have some fun.

Let me know if you’re stepping out of your comfort zone at the moment and how it’s feeling.  Email me at lou@womanready.com.  Also, read my post of why women should step out of their comfort zone more.  Thanks.

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Lou - Woman Ready


I'm Lou, founder of Woman Ready. Do you feel good-enough? Putting yourself way down your priority list? I set up Woman Ready to help inspire, support and empower us to be the women we want to be but to also talk about the issues we face as women today. Join us for hacks and advice on work, career, emotional well-being, body and health.

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