Inspiring Interview With Julie Butler, CEO & Founder of LashBase

julie butler

Read our inspiring interview with Julie Butler, CEO and Founder of LashBase.

Quick Intro

Julie Butler can call herself a lash expert. She is the CEO and Founder of LashBase, the most successful lash extension brand in the UK. With multiple awards for product quality and customer service, LashBase has experienced amazing growth over the last 10 years.  And LashBase has no signs of slowing down with a US launch planned for March this year with Julie being at the forefront.

How Did You First Get Into Lashes?

I felt very lucky to be able to stay at home and look after my boys as that was what I always wanted. However, after they left school I felt redundant and realised I needed to do something for myself.

After enrolling on several beauty courses, the last one was eyelash extensions. I planned to work from home, part-time for some pocket money however within a very short time I was working 9 am-9 pm 7 days a week just doing eyelash extensions.

I loved it and it became my passion.

What Made You Decide To Start Your Own Business?

I never really planned to start a business, it was something that just happened organically. When I started out eyelash extensions were in their infancy and there were not many places to be able to get supplies from.  They were also very expensive.

So I started researching to see if I could improve on prices, for my own benefit. In this time I was also approached by a local beauty school to become a trainer.

When training I would advise my students on where they could purchase their supplies from.  I thought maybe a good idea would be for students to be able to take a kit away with them with everything they need to get started. And so, it began.  Happy with the products I’d tested, I bought in enough supplies to supply starter kits to my students.

What I hadn’t factored in was that once they’d used up the supplies in their kit, they would need to replenish their stock. After this realisation, I knew I needed to get more stock and the demand was there so what could I lose!

This is when LashBase was born. It has grown steadily over the years and has not been easy. Like every business, there are many ups and downs. Times when you ask yourself “what am I doing” but you carry on.

I read a quote recently that struck a chord with me “today’s struggle is tomorrow’s strength” that is so true.

What 2 Things Do You Do To Build Your Confidence?

I wouldn’t say I’m particularly confident although I can appear to be at times. 100% the main thing that builds my confidence is the support I get from my husband, family and friends.

Although I recently tried hypnotherapy in an attempt to make me more confident, I have yet to see a difference.

How Do You Balance Work And Life And Make Time For Yourself?

This is always been difficult for me as I find it hard to switch off. I don’t think I ever really switch off, but I know the importance of making time for myself.

I like to try to go to the gym most mornings before work which really helps set me up for the day. It is great for the mind and body. I’m lucky enough to work with my family so seeing them daily truly keeps me happy and balanced.

Although it’s sometimes necessary to work weekends, I mostly try and take time out then. My favourite way to relax at weekends is with my grandchildren, it reminds me of just what’s really important if life. It’s probably the only time I’m not thinking about something work-related, they are the best tonic.

What’s Your Definition Of Success And How Has This Changed Over The Years?

Success can be measured in so many different ways. For me, put simply, my personal definition of success is seeing my family grow into good, kind and happy individuals. And knowing I have been responsible for teaching them these values. That has given me a real sense of achievement and something I am really proud of.

In business, my professional definition of success is having an idea and working hard on building something that can stand the test of time. Certainly, financial gratification plays a part that allows you to grow further with a sense of security. To be able to employ a large team and then help to support their lives too is really rewarding. I’m also a strong believer that with every success there is an element of luck.

How it’s changed over the years is that it’s now not just about working hard for myself and my family but how, on a wider scale, you can help build everyone in the industry to be successful too.

What’s The Best Piece Of Business Advice You Have Received?

I don’t think I’ve ever really had any direct business advice, but I guess the best lesson I’ve learned from a young age is the importance to work hard and don’t expect to get things handed on to you a plate.

If you want anything in life you must be prepared to work for it. My Dad taught me a lot, he always worked so hard to provide well for his family. I like to think this is where my work ethic has come from.

If I get knocked down, I get up fighting twice as hard and that’s something I’ll always stand by.

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Lou - Woman Ready


I'm Lou, founder of Woman Ready. Do you feel good-enough? Putting yourself way down your priority list? I set up Woman Ready to help inspire, support and empower us to be the women we want to be but to also talk about the issues we face as women today. Join us for hacks and advice on work, career, emotional well-being, body and health.

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