5 Reasons Why You Should Join A Social Sports Team

social sport

Charlotte Waugh (36) is Chief Operating Officer at leagues4you, social sports leagues for netball and rounders.  A life-long netballer, Charlotte has transformed her love of the game into a thriving business which has encouraged over 4000 women (and men) to play socially.

Writing for womanready.com, Charlotte tells us how the benefits of playing social sports go far beyond fitness…

Netball is something that most of us women have in common, the likelihood is that you will have played a little bit of netball at some point in your life.

For me it started at school.  And I have learned over the years that netball can be a real leveller. It touches women from all backgrounds, regardless of age, culture, income, location and upbringing.

Most women who sign up to play netball with leagues4you are interested in their own well-being. They want to keep fit – but they don’t necessarily want to join a gym.  They may also be wary of launching straight into a club environment and playing in competitive leagues.  Fears around fitness levels, ability and ‘fitting in’ are often a barrier for them.

Have Fun & Boost Your Body & Mind

Social leagues provide the perfect space for women to get off the couch and onto to the court, in a welcoming and unpressured environment.  They can sign up to take part in something fun that’s also good for their body and mind.  But what they get is so much more than that and we see the same themes coming through time and again in their feedback.


The comradery is like no other.  There’s nothing quite like your teammates cheering your name when you’ve pulled a world class interception out of the bag! People develop new friendships, and a regular netball session becomes a reason to break from the often-mundane repetitiveness of a ‘school night‘.

Mental Health & Isolation

We all know the wonders physical activity does for the mind – an hour of fresh air and exercise is a stress reliever like no other.  But it can also go some way to address issues that prey on our mental health, such as isolation.

Social sports function as a community, bringing individuals and teams together with a common interest.  It offers a support network of sorts, where relationships develop beyond the court.

Empowerment & Perseverance

Netball has empowered me in so many ways; as a player, a coach, in the workplace and as a mum of two. It brings sanity to a mind-boggling day.  It gives me pride for all the things I’ve achieved.  And it has helped me build resilience and perseverance; it gave me a reason to push through injury and regain my fitness.


Above all, netball brings a sisterhood – women celebrating women, on court partnerships grow into long-term friendships.  These people have become my team for life and I hope we can help them build theirs.

To those who are considering social sports – whether it is netball, rounders, football or something else – I say take the leap and jump in with both feet.  I promise, you won’t regret it.

However nervous you are, there’s been someone more nervous before you who’s now playing every week, who’s found a new confidence and is now looking forward, not back.

For further information about the benefits of social sports,  visit www.leagues4you.co.uk

Photo – copyright leagues4you.

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Lou - Woman Ready


I'm Lou, founder of Woman Ready. Do you feel good-enough? Putting yourself way down your priority list? I set up Woman Ready to help inspire, support and empower us to be the women we want to be but to also talk about the issues we face as women today. Join us for hacks and advice on work, career, emotional well-being, body and health.

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