How To Tackle Self-Promotion Without Feeling Awkward

self promotion

Does the thought of self-promotion fill you with dread?  Here are out tips on how to promote yourself in a confident and authentic way.

“She who is humble is confident and wise; she who brags is insecure and lacking” – Anon

Shouting About Your Successes?

When I was criminal barrister, I wouldn’t shout about it. In some respects, the professional status I was afforded meant I didn’t have to. Yet when I think back, this approach probably held me back professionally.

Others, often men, would happily step up to the plate to contribute articles to Chambers monthly newsletter, present quarterly legal update seminars, and entertain solicitors over lunch.

Michelle Obama writes in her brilliant book, Becoming, of letting others judge her by her work. But when consummate self-promoters are doing otherwise, creating fast track opportunities for career advancement, aren’t the more shy retiring types at risk of being left behind?

However, if you aren’t prepared to shout about your own successes, why on earth should others do so on your behalf?  As a coach empowering female lawyers, I’m all for finding a happy medium between wall-flower and braggart.

Embracing Self-Promotion

With analysis and self-reflection, I see 2 things at play here which are confidence and authenticity.

Whilst at the Bar, I’d frequently go on group holidays, alone, and meet up with a group whose only common bond was an interest in that particular trip or adventure. Adrenalin seekers, philanthropists, culture vultures; the history of your fellow backpacker was not really important. However, when I told them about my job, the frequent response was ‘you don’t seem the type’.

Whilst pondering what exactly was ‘the type’, their reaction perhaps came as no surprise to me. For well over 10 years, I had felt like a square peg in a round hole. Part of me didn’t fit somehow.

What’s interesting is that now that I am a coach empowering women, I shout much more, though it’s all relative. And the reason for this is because just as Steven Covey said in his book, 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, before climbing the ladder of success, first make sure it is leaning against the same wall.

Using Noise To Be Heard

Some adopt the lion approach but how often is it said that ‘he who shouts loudest, has the least amount to say…’?

Shouting causes noise. And in this increasing 24/7 digital age, we are constantly on a knife edge between FOMO and the overwhelm of email, text notifications and social media updates.  These often breed unhelpful comparisons between us and our colleagues/ competitors.

For me, it’s all about getting an effective balance.

How To Use Self-Promotion For Maximum Impact

Here are our top tips:

Who Do You Want To Be Heard By?

Be clear about your target audience.  Who are your clients? By understanding this, when you have something to say, you can ensure that your content speaks exclusively to them.

Where Does Your Target Audience Hang Out?

Consider the best strategy to adopt to find those clients and speak to them in their preferred arena or on the right platform. Do they use social media? If so, what is their platform of choice? Are they more likely to read articles in professional publications? Do they show up at face to face networking events? If so, which ones?

What Content Are They Looking For?

Once you have a clear idea of your typical client, and the arena in which they operate, then think about the beneficial content they seek. Think of how you can add value by applying 2 tests:

  • Check the content is useful, not just interesting
  • Imagine them reading your content and responding “So what?” Then think how you can overcome that possible reaction to your content by cross-checking its value.

Content Delivery and Tone

Assuming you now have the perfect, useful content, how is it to be presented? Be helpful, organically establish yourself as an expert, and do so without boasting or bragging. There’s a fine line to tread and it simply comes down to practice.

If self-promotion doesn’t come naturally, think about one great thing you have done as a team or organisation at work; then think about your individual contribution. Start formulating your individual message from there. The more you do it, the easier it becomes.

This was certainly my experience at monthly networking meetings.  Every time I delivered my 1 minute ‘pitch’, I got clearer on what my offering was, who I was offering it, and how I could articulate it with more confidence and self-belief.

Finding authenticity at work or in business is the key to getting the right content out there and feeling confident in yourself, without having to be ‘noisy’ or without bragging.  I often find that this mantra helps, ‘have the courage to live a life true to yourself not the life that others expect’. Then sit back and watch your message fall onto receptive and grateful ears.


Nikki Alderson is a former criminal barrister.  She is now a Corporate and Executive Coach supporting law firms and Chambers attract and retain female talent within the legal profession and empowering female lawyers to achieve career ambitions whilst creating congruent lives.

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