How To Boost Your Gut Health To Protect Yourself Against Colds And Flu

gut health

Many health practitioners refer to the gut at the body’s second brain.  Impacting our mood, digestion and immune system, a healthy gut is essential for our overall well-being.

Here, Director of Nutrition Aimée Benbow, BSc (Hons), MSc, ANutr at Viridian Nutrition answers how gut health plays an instrumental role in our immune system.

How Does Our Gut Health Impact Our Immunity To Coughs, Colds And Flu?

Our digestive tract and bowel environment can have a significant impact on several other areas of health including immunity. As well as directly inhibiting the growth of harmful bacteria in the gut, friendly gut bacteria has also demonstrated immune modulating actions as well as enhancing our own innate immune function.

Therefore, friendly bacteria can exert positive effects on immune defences both locally in the gut (by protecting against gastrointestinal infection) and systemically (by increasing resistance against respiratory infections).

How Can We Boost The Health Of Our Gut?

Eating a fibre rich diet and consuming foods abundant in nutrients can help improve the overall health of our gut. Fibre is particularly important as it is required to ensure regular bowel movements preventing constipation.

It also plays a vital role in acting as a substrate for friendly gut bacteria ensuring the colonisation and growth of these good bacteria and preventing gut infections.

We can also increase our intake of friendly gut bacteria either via live yoghurt cultures or through food supplements. Research has demonstrated various health benefits when supplementing with friendly gut bacteria from skin health to immunity.

How Does Our Nutritional Intake Impact Our Immune System?  Are There Any Particular Ingredients We Should Be Paying Special Attention To?

Certain nutrients are essential for the functioning of the immune system. Vitamin C, a water-soluble vitamin found in citrus fruit and green leafy vegetables, has shown in clinical studies to support the production and function of white blood cells such as neutrophils and lymphocytes. Additionally, it is essential for the early anti-viral response to influenza infection.

Vitamin D is also a crucial nutrient when it comes to immunity. Clinical studies have found Vitamin D to be effective for the prevention of infections with a review and analysis of 11 placebo-controlled studies including 5660 people concluding that vitamin D has protective effects against respiratory tract infections.

Another compound found in mushrooms and baker’s yeast called ‘beta-glucan’ has been well researched for its effects on priming the white blood cells ahead of infection. Upper respiratory tract infections (URTIs) are typically caused by viruses with the most common being rhinovirus (the common cold) or influenza (the flu). Several studies suggest daily use of 1,3-1,6 beta glucan can help reduce the risk of URTIs.

Elderberry extract has recently gained much attention for its immune supporting properties. It is hypothesised that it is the Oligomeric proanthocyanidin (OPC) content of elderberry which exhibits the anti-bacterial and anti-viral action. A number of human clinical trials have highlighted elderberry’s anti-viral action with results showing a reduction in symptoms and longevity.

How Does Zinc Play A Role In Our Immune System?

Zinc is an essential mineral found in food sources such as seeds, shellfish and legumes. Even a mild dietary zinc deficiency has been shown to negatively affect immunity, significantly reducing natural killer (NK) cell activity for example.

An analysis of 13 studies where zinc was used as a treatment for the common cold and two preventative studies concluded that zinc supplementation is an effective treatment and when used as a preventative it reduces cold incidence.

Zinc is crucial for normal development and function of cells mediating innate immunity, neutrophils, and natural killer cells.

What Are The 5 Biggest Things We Can Do In Order To Boost Our Immune System And Protect Ourselves From Cold and Flu?

Here are 5 key tips:

  • Frequently wash your hands and avoid touching your face to reduce the risk of infection.
  • Ensure a good balance of exercise and rest to keep your body healthy and immune system strong.
  • Aim for 8 hours sleep a night to help the body’s natural defence system.
  • Eat a colourful, unprocessed diet rich in fibre to support gut health which can impact overall immunity.
  • Supplement with key immune supporting nutrients or ingredients such as zinc, vitamin C, vitamin D, elderberry, beta-glucan and friendly gut bacteria.


Viridian Nutrition is the leading ethical vitamins company. Based in Northamptonshire, this family owned company was founded by Cheryl Thallon in 1999.

The company has more than 200 award-winning supplements. More than 75 products in the range are certified organic by the Soil Association. Viridian is committed to the use of 100% active ingredients. Viridian supplements and oils are available from selected health food stores worldwide.

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