6 Ways To Build Your Confidence As A Mum Thinking Of Going Back To Work

back to work

Getting back to work after having children is an intimidating concept. As well as facing the enormous challenge of finding appropriate, trustworthy childcare, there’s the mum guilt to contend with, as well as a possible dip in self-confidence, as you enter into the work place after a break and after an enormous change in your personal life.

Dina Maktabi, founder of Kensington Mums, offers her advice for re-building that all-important confidence.

Be Yourself

And the yourself now might not be the yourself that left the job pre-baby. But this is super-you… you have so many more skills to add to your CV. Multi-tasking, conflict resolution; calendar management; the ability to keep cool in a testy situation…

Have confidence that the things that you have learnt as a mum make you a better you, and use that in your professional life.

Accept Help

There is no shame in accepting help. If doing drop off and pick up comes at the price of your sanity, find the right childcare support. Be honest with yourself about what you’re actually capable of and work around that.

Too many of us try and take on everything and end up feeling exhausted and resentful as a result.

Give Yourself Time

Don’t rush things – everyone is the different. Some want to be back at work within the month; some wait until their kids are school age. The important thing is that you’re doing what is right for you and for your family. Shut out the external chatter and do what’s good for you. Happy mummy, happy kids.

Invest In A Work Wardrobe

We’ve all got our mum uniforms – jeans and well-trodden pair of Uggs, a duvet coat and a trusty can of dry shampoo. But investing in the ‘right clothes’ really puts you in a different mentality. It makes you hold yourself in a different way. Through your wardrobe you can regain your identity and not just be x’s mum!

Consider A Flexible More Workable Role

Now your priorities and schedules are very different to pre–children you may want to find a role that fits better into the school or nursery hours so you are around to pick your little ones up.

Employees are much more open to flexible and part time working now and they know mums have an amazing ability to multi-task and do things well.  There are much more opportunities in this area and in all honesty, motherhood enhances your time management skills and gives you the incentive to want to be conscientious.

Make It Or Fake It

A positive mental attitude is very important when launching yourself into the workplace. And, if you don’t feel it, fake it.  If other people feel confidence in you, you will start to feel confidence in yourself. You got this. Don’t ever doubt yourself.


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Lou - Woman Ready


I'm Lou, founder of Woman Ready. Do you feel good-enough? Putting yourself way down your priority list? I set up Woman Ready to help inspire, support and empower us to be the women we want to be but to also talk about the issues we face as women today. Join us for hacks and advice on work, career, emotional well-being, body and health.

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